If a site has a pond or ponds lie within close proximity (500m) of a site proposed for development, it is best practise to undertake an assessment for the presence of Great Crested newts Triturus cristatus. Great Crested newts are a European protected species and are therefore protected by EU and UK law. Surveys for this species therefore require appropriate licences to be held from Natural England, the government nature conservation organisation.
Contrary to common belief newts are terrestrial for much of their lives, returning to home breeding ponds each Spring. Pond surveys should therefore be undertaken between mid-March and mid-June with some of these surveys being necessary between mid-April to mid-May according to best practise (English Nature, 2001).
Pond surveys are undertaken under licence to assess for the presence or absence of Great Crested newts
Species is licensed and fully equipped to undertake both Great Crested newt survey and development mitigation licences according to best practise. Please contact us on 01202 771082 or 07808 477373 to discuss the needs of your project.
Great crested newts lay eggs in folded leaves of submerged plants in ponds
As well as searching for newts within the waterbody, one of the licensed survey techniques involves searching for newt eggs laid within the pond which are laid in a particular manner and can be difficult to spot.
Species is the trading name of Species Ecological Consultancy Ltd Registered in England, No. 7515802 Copyright Species 2013.